WiConnect Reach

Transform your Wi-Fi network from a simple amenity to a superior messaging platform with our exclusive online-to-offline technology.

Targeted messaging that persists

WiConnect Reach enables venue owners and network operators to not only send messages when guests sign in for Wi-Fi, but also after they’ve signed out.

Learn about WiConnect for:

Extended opportunities to engage
Wouldn’t it be great if you could not only reach your visitors using your captive portal, but also while they continue to use your Wi-Fi network?  With WiConnect Reach, we assist you with continuing messaging guests with programmatic advertising  as they browse and engage with apps using your Wi-Fi network. We can continue the enagement with visitors even after they've left your Wi-Fi network.
  • Leverage our unique adtech platform for programmatic message delivery
  • Target using audience segmentation from your own first party and non-PII (Personally Identifiable Information) data extracted from your network
  • Send static and video messages to visitors based on audience segmentation during login and when browsing websites and apps on your network
  • Continue the conversation when visitors leave your network with retargeted programmatic campaigns


Communicate effectively with guests and collect ad revenue effortlessly by integrating this simple extension to your captive portal.
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Create an entire captive portal that provides flexible Wi-Fi onboarding, generates revenue and supports robust messaging.
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Build a branded, fully customized Wi-Fi landing page featuring venue-specific content that can generate advertising revenue.
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Make every connection count with our unique
combination of network and adtech expertise.
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